Regardless of your shooting ability…….WE HAVE THE PERFECT TRAINING FOR YOU!
Implement non-shooting skills such as handgun manipulations, correct dry fire habits, trigger prep, presentation techniques, target identification, and more! Refine handgun mechanics and push yourself utilizing proven shooting drills designed to build proficiency.

This outdoor range event/class comprehensively approaches basic handgun skills.
A hands-on training regimen designed to take a beginner shooter through the shooting process. Develop and implement basic safety awareness centered on the Rules of Firearms Safety. Learn non-shooting skills such as manipulations, correct dry fire habits, trigger prep, presentation techniques, target identification, and more.
*This class is designed for new, basic shooters with limited or no gun-handling experience.
Beginner shooters are those who may have had some level of formal shooting instruction but have ultimately shot less than 500 rounds. Basic shooters are those who have also had some level of formal instruction but still need continuing skill development with regard to fundamental knowledge of firearms safety, gun handling, and shooting proficiency.

This outdoor range event/class is designed to fine-tune your speed, accuracy, and tactics as a gun handler.
Continue to develop the fundamentals necessary for expert marksmanship. Additional skill refinement is always the driving factor of this training. Speed is a byproduct of proper mechanics and technique. Each is a crucial component of tactical pistol development. This class features advanced shooting drills such as shooting at maximum speed, target transitions, shooting on the move, and more!
*This class is designed for intermediate and advanced-level shooters with a comfortable knowledge of gun handling safety and shooting proficiency. Intermediate shooters have received formal shooting instruction and have shot at least 1000+ rounds. Intermediate to advanced shooters have the ability to draw from the holster, understand the management of reloads and can consistently shoot from various distances.

This outdoor range event/class is designed for all responsible gun owners prepared to take their training concealed!
Learn the mechanics of drawing from a concealed position, presentation techniques, and maintaining consistency under time constraints. When presented with the ‘oh shit scenario’, be prepared to revert to a level of training that will save your life or the lives of your loved ones.
This class is designed for everyday shooters prepared to draw from a concealed position. You must have a working knowledge of firearms safety and be prepared to draw from a holster.
*Disclaimer: This is not a basic handgun class. You MUST have enough gun handling and shooting experience to maintain your handgun and shoot consistently at a target safely.

At Blue Patriot Defense, we strongly believe in 2A and the responsibility of every eligible citizen to protect themselves legally.
Arizona may be the ‘Wild West’, but it is vital to understand your obligation to the law as a gun owner.
Exercising your right to bear arms is a privilege, and with this privilege comes great responsibility. Blue Patriot Defense guides gun owners, old and new, through the CCW process, including Arizona Gun Law, mindset preparation, and even decision-making protocol.
Our class is available to anyone and everyone who chooses to stay educated on the most crucial aspects of self-defense. Taught by a 17-year veteran of the Phoenix Police Department and Expert Firearms Instructor, Blue Patriot Defense offers a one-of-a-kind experience for CCW certification.
For those 2A Patriots who already have a CCW Permit, your training never stops. You can still join us for a full-class audit. Listen to the most current gun ownership topics, such as gun safety, fundamentals of marksmanship, everyday carry preparation, training techniques to hack your brain, scenario-based decision-making, and so much more!
Outdoor private training and/or CCW events are available.
From basic to advanced weapon development, this training is specifically designed for a small group setting; pistol, shotgun, rifle, handgun transitions, concealed weapon carry, and more. A minimum of 3 shooters are required for this event, and weapon rental is available at an additional cost.